Topic 10 (It's home learning again!)

 As all of you know, due to certain circumstances we are here again, having online classes. Today is the first day of having such classes so, I would like to begin it by knowing your thoughts on certain issues:


How do feel to have to spend time at home again during PKPB?

What are the activities that you plan to do?

What are the things we must do to stop the spreading of Covid-19?


Please write your response in the ‘comment’ section. Don’t forget to write your name at the end of your response. Submission will be counted as attendance. Thank you.


  1. 1) I feel happy because i can spent my time with my family.

    2) I plan to do some activities with my family such as excercise, cooking, tidy our room and some planting activities.

    3) The things we can do to stop spreading of Covid-19 are stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue.

    nurul yasmin bt mohammad fahri

  2. 1.I feel like it amazing and i need to know how to manage my time wisely during time in this pkpb.
    2.The activities that i plan to do are i want to spend time more time with my family. Second, i also what to study about this year and next year topic. Lastly, i also what to do something that i like such as watching movies amd read novels.
    3.The things that we must do to stop the spreading of covid 19 we need to make a 1 meter distance from other people. Second, we also need to wear at the crowded place. Third, we need to take care of our hygiene like use hand sanitizer and take a bath often. Lastly, we also must avoid to go to the high risk place.

    (Nadiah Farzanah 303)

  3. a) At first, I feel so excited and happy that I can spend more time at home again. But then it hit me when I think of the difficulties that I may go through while online classes such as not understanding what the teacher taught me and not paying full attention to the class. But overall, I feel so grateful that I can spend more time with my family at home !

    b) There are obviously many things that I've planned to do ever since I was still at school. Some of them would be painting my room, finish reading my new novels and learn to play kalimba. But the most thing I wanted to do was catching up with all the new movies that I missed or haven't watched yet. I even make a list of 'what-to-watch' !

    c) Some of the things that we can do to stop spreading the Covid-19 is by wearing a mask when you are at the public places, always wash your hands either with soap or hand sanitizer and also keep the 1 meter distance from everyone !

    Syazlyana Ikhzabila binti SharulKamal

  4. As we comeback home because of the pandemic, I feel happy, sad and worried at the same time. I feel happy because it has been months since I met my family and I feel sad because I can't meet my friends outside because of the pandemic. I also feel worried because I stay at Selangor and as a lot of people knows Selangor have a lot of cases. We all know that we must stay at home. So I plan to do some workouts and help my mother on doing house chores. There is a lot of things to prevent from Covid-19 spreading but the most simple thing is just stay at home and follow the S.O.P

    Mohamad Raiyan

  5. Due to this PKPB, I'm feeling it's hard for me to focus on class because I will be distracted by gadgets and entertainments, but I feel so happy because I could spend my time at home again after 1 month in MRSM although we were having PKP for 5 months.

    I finally could tighten my bond with my family, and I planned of playing some games with them through online or board games. I also will try my best to not miss any online classes because that will be my lost. Not to be mentioned, I will also try to improve my studies in English or Bahasa with watching some movies.

    To stop Covid-19 from spreading, we should always put our masks on, follow the SOP, and always have the social distancing. We shouldn't go on vacation or to the places that have so many people because there will be a high risk of getting Covid-19. If any symptoms of Covid-19 showed, we should check and go to see doctor immediately.

    Nur Syaza Insyirah binti Umar Ludin

  6. Muhammad Zarul Aiman

    What I feel when I have to spend my time at home again during PKPB is that I feel fun because I can play my smartphone,playing games at home and watch some movies at Netflix but sometimes I feel sleepy because of not having proper sleep.Activities that I plan to do is review the subjects I am weak and finish the series of stories that I watch at the netflix.Things we must do to stop the spreading of Covid-19 is stay at home,prevent to go to places that are crowded and wear mask when you go out from your house.

  7. 1) I feel very stressed and sad. I am also happy to be able to spend time with family.
    2) Throughout this pkpb, I plan to make a muscular body. I also want to find a new hobby as a boring getaway.
    3) To prevent this corona virus, we must all be responsible according to the soup instructions that have been set. We also need to wear face mask and use sanitizer before or after holding something. We are also obliged to keep the soup instructions (1 meter) as a precaution. We must also go to the hospital immediately if there are symptoms of corona virus such as cough, sore throat and prolonged fever.

    Muhammad Azzim Bin Mat Fauzi

  8. 1. How i feel to have to spend time at home again during PKPB is feeling a little bit bored. The reason i say that is because while PKPB, i cannot play at playground with my friends nor visit my friends house.
    2. The avtivities that i plan to do is completing all homework which are still in pending and playing games with my friends.
    3. Some of the things we must do to stop the spreading of Covid-19 are we must obey all the rules that had been provided by Health Ministry Of Malaysia(KKM) which are wear a facemask whenever we want to go out, always keep social distancing with each other, stay away from crowded places and do not chat at close range.


  9. I feel excited and happy because I get to spend time with family. But, I'm also worried about my studying because I can't understand properly what teacher taught and also I will be distracted with the gadget.

    I have plan many activities that I want to do such as journaling my book, selling clothes and also books and I want to paint and decorate my new room.

    In order to stop spreading of Covid-19, we must always wear mask when going somewhere or being in crowded place, always practice social distancing and wash our hand frequently by using soap or hand sanitizer.

  10. 1. I feel quite burdened, sir. I rather be joining classes at school than joining online classes. Especially to students who doesn't have smartphones or even internet data.
    2. I plan to start a glow-up journal or maybe a bullet diary which is a quick drawing of daily moments. Secondly, i plan to do some paintings because it is the best way to avoid stress and mental pressure during this PKPB.
    Lastly, i plan to practising some of the moves in taekwondo or maybe taekwondo. Learning martial arts would give me more disciplinary, a precautionary measure for the future and even makes my body healthier!
    3. We should follow the government's regulations like wearing mask in a crowded place. Secondly, wash your hands often or use a hand sanitizer. Lastly, seek a doctor when you're experiencing COVID-19's symptoms like fever, dry cough and tiredness.

    That's all from me, see u in next class, sir! 🤗

    - Arianna Sherney

  11. Firstly,what I thought on this new PKPB at my home is that I am pretty happy.This is because I could spend more time with my families although, it is a little bit boring when it is limited for us all to go somewhere besides our home.

    Some of the things that I am planning to do are trying to learn new skills such as art,helping my parents at home more often,trying to discipline myself,studying and focusing on my weak subjects and maintaining my health by exercising in this increasing virus pandemic.

    There are a few things that I would do to stop the spread of Covid-19 which is I would practice social distancing when going out,always wearing a facial mask,wash my hands with soap or sanitizer,quickly took a bath after going out and avoid being in a crowded place.

    Muhammad Danial Irfan Bin Shamsul Kamal

  12. 1. I feel very happy when I am at home. I can also play games calmly. I can also watch the latest video from my favorite youtuber, ISA ISARB. He created very interesting content like Mr. Beast. I hope to be as rich as he is.

    2. In addition, we must maintain the SOP while outside. Wear a face mask and hand sanitizer. We take care of ourselves. We must win. Finally, pray a lot to God so that this virus will disappear.

    Thank you

    M.Amir Hakimi bin Muhamad Kamil

  13. 1. actually I do not know what it feels like to start this PKPB again, I feel sad when this PKPB is implemented again, because I do not have the opportunity to meet, learn and play sports with my friends. I am also sad because in my opinion, study inside classes are easier to understand because we are more focused in the classroom than learning online. But at the same time, I am also happy when PKPB is implemented because I have the opportunity to spend time with my family. Every weekend, my family and I will do interesting activities such as cleaning the house. In conclusion PKPB for me is not too fun and not too sad, but I prefer to be at school than at home because being at school can make me manage time well

    2. The activity I plan to do during PKPB is that I have planned to learn to manage my time at home such as meal time, study time, and play time. I will also learn new skills such as playing musical instruments or drawing cartoons. Throughout this PKPB going on, I plan to save the spending money I have so that I can use it in times of emergency and learn to use the money I have wisely, In this way, I can practice since adolescence to use money wisely and manageably.

    3. The thing we need to do to stop the spread of covid-19 is that we need to follow the government's instructions such as conducting PKPB and comply with the SOP that has been set. physical with others in order to prevent cantact between each other from happening. we also need to always wash our hands with soap to keep our hands clean from germs and not spread any disease. can be conclusion there are many more things we can do to prevent the spread of this covid-19.let us work together to cultivate ourselves and acquaintances to practice practices that can prevent this covid-19 disease



  14. First of all, I am very disappointed due the announcement of PKPB made by the government. This is because I prefer to be at school than at home. At school, I can do a lot of activities with friends while at home, my activities are limited. Therefore, I have planned activities to do with my family during PKPB. For example, I learned how to cook side dishes from my mother. So that, I have to go out to buy raw materials for the food. Therefore, I must do prevention measure to stop the spread of covid19. I will follow the SOP set by the government by wearing a face mask and keeping the social distance. In addition, I will also stay at home if there are no important affairs.Thats all from me. Thank you.

    Muhammad Muiz Nukman Bin Mohd Monzir 303

  15. I feel worried when we need to be quarantine again because of the increasing of COVID-19 cases. However , I am happy to stay at home because I can spend more time with my family after a long time at school

    I plan to do a lots of activity that involve my family and I such as watching movies together , cooking and baking , playing video games with my siblings and do the house chores.

    The things we can do to stop COVID-19 is to be cautious of everythings we do. We must always wash our hands , cough in our mask , social distancing and avoid crowded place

    Nur Alwani Munirah Bt. Mohd Sobri

  16. I feel excited and happy! Because finally i can spend time with my smartphone after 2 month at MRSM.

    So the things that i plan to di during this pkpb is i will start back my own business. If you want to know on our 1st pkp i've open my own ig shop which is @thegorjescloset. Then I also plan to help my mom more to do the house chores.

    Then the things we must do to stop the spreading of Covid-19 is we must stay at home.try not to go out if you don't have an important thigs to do. After that we also must wear a mask so that there is low risk to spread the virus if we are coughing. There's a lot way to prevent this Covid-19 from spreading. It's our responsibility to practice the way

    (iffah aqilah binti shokran)

  17. 1. I feel happy that I get to spend time with my family but at the same time I feel stressed that I couldn’t understand throughout the online classes

    2. I think I want to help my parents doing chores and jamming to some songs until I get bored of. Study some next year subjects maybe

    3. Stay at home, wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, social distancing 1 meter, avoid crowded places

    Nur Aliyah Amisha bt Mohd Noor Hazizi

  18. Thank you everyone for your responses. This thread is now close. Your comment will be counted as your attendance.

  19. 1.Sorry because I late...I late reply because my line very slow
    2.First..Activity that I do at home...I just join online class...because it is something important
    3.Second..I play game like PUBG
    4.lastly...I spend my time with my family..ok that's all from me



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