Topic 3 (due date 15/05/20)

In about 80 words, write about how to have a healthy lifestyle. Please use all the points provided in the pictures.


  1. Calif bin Bazlan

    Everyone has their own health to take care of.With excellent health in ourself,we can do all kinds of work and activity such as cycling.

    To get a healthy body,we need to eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet.This will help us to maintain our weight and be fit.Next,we need drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep us hydrated.Also,we need to get enough sleep every night to be active on the next day.Then we need to exercise regularly.This may help you to maintain your stamina on daily life.Lastly,we also need to relax ti reduce stress that we face every day.We can listen to music.

    In conclusion,we need to be in good health to do a excellent job and get a comfortable life.

  2. Nur Alwani Munirah bt. Mohd Sobri

    A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. We must take care of ourselves to stay healthy by eating nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet. It will reduce risk of many chronic disease such as cancer and diabetes. Other than that, we need to drink eight glasses of water to stay hydrated. Next, its really important to get enough sleep for improving immune function. Then, we have to exercise regularly. Its to relief from physical pain such as lower back pain. Lastly, we need do some relax activities to reduce stress such as meditation to reduces irritability, anxiety and depression.

    Therefore, we need to maintain our health to do daily chores and provide good future.

  3. Syazlyana Ikhzabila binti SharulKamal

    As a human being, having a healthy lifestyle is very important to us. We all know that when we have a healthy body, we can do our work perfectly.

    One of the ways to get a healthy lifestyle is by eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet by eating vegetables and avoided eating too many junk foods. Other than that, we should also drink 8 glasses of water everyday. We should also have an enough sleep by at least sleep 8 hours a day. Doing exercise regularly is also good to our body. Lastly, we must practise to have some time to reduce our stress.

    In conclusion, having a healthy lifestyle is very good for our body and life. As a human being, we should always practise to have a healthy lifestyle.

  4. Nur Atina Balqisya Bt Mohd Fuad

    Good health isn't just about exercise, it's also about having a healthy lifestyle.

    One of the ways to have a healthy lifestyle is to eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet. Eat more vegetables because vegetables are the source of many nutrients. Next, we must drink 8 glasses of water to carry out body functions. We also need to get enough sleep to prevent premature aging. Exercise regularly brings tremendous benefits to our health. Lastly, we must relax to reduce stress.

    To sum up, today, your vital organs may be working well, but they may not be tomorrow. Don't take your health for granted. Take proper care of your body.

  5. M.Amir Hakimi bin Muhamad Kamil

    One of the ways to have healthy lifestyle is we must eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet. It is because, it can prevent us from many types of disease for examples high blood pressure, diabetes and heart ailments. Next, we must exercise regularly to maintain our body healthy. Lastly, we also can get enough sleep because it can improve concetration and productivity of our work.

  6. Nur Aliyah Amisha bt Mohd Noor Hazizi

    A healthy lifestyle are really important in our life and there are so many physical activities that we can do if we are healthy

    To have a healthy body,we must eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet. We must eat healthy food just like according to food piramid. Next, we must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep hydrated. We also need to get enough sleep at least 8 hours a day. To keep body fit, we also need to exercise regularly. Lastly, we also must have some time to relax tu reduce stress.

    In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is very important to keep our body healthy and can do more things without being tired and hurt easily.

  7. Nurul yasmin binti mohd fahri

    As students,we face many challenges and have to cope with such things as lessons,exam,extra-curricular activities and social events. So,as students we need healty lifestyle to stay healy.

    In order to stay healty,we must eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet. It is because it can prevent us from any dieses. Next, we must drink 8 glasses of water so that we can keep dydrated. We also need to get enough sleep so that we will not feel sleepy in the class. Then, we must exercise regularly. Lastly, we must have some time to rilex and reduce stress.

    Conclusion, a healty lifestyle are impotant to us because it will take us a long way.

  8. A healthy lifestyle is very important for each human being. By having a good health, we can do so many activities and do our work perfectly.

    One of the ways to get a healthy lifestyle is by eating nourishing food and maintain a balance diet. Other than that, we have to drink 8 glasses of water everyday in order to keep our body hydrated. Lastl, as a human, we must get enough of sleep to avoid our body from being tired.

    In conclusion, a healthy body can ensure us to do better in life and always preventing us from being sick.

  9. Muhammad Haziq Amir bin Zakariya.

    Healthy lifestyle means living in a good physical or mental condition by in order way.

    Food is a main cause of many types of diseases. We need to eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet.Besides, we need to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Other than that, we must get enough sleep. Next, we need to exercise regularly. Last but not least, we need to relax to reduce stress.

    In conclusion, healthy lifestyle make our lives healthier. Therefore, we must to do healthy lifestyle for a better health.

  10. Selamat Hari Raya to everyone. Thank you for all the comments. We will resume this blog based on the announcement from the management of MRSM Gerik. If the Principal / TPPA asked the teachers to continue the online assignments, then we will continue using this blog. Thank you.

  11. Mohamad Raiyan Bin Mohamed Firthous Khan

    Good health isn't just about exercise, it's also about having a healthy lifestyle. 

    To get a healthy body,we need to eat nourishing food and maintain a balanced diet. It is because, it can prevent us from many types of disease for examples high blood pressure, diabetes and heart ailments. Other than that, we have to drink 8 glasses of water everyday in order to keep our body hydrated.We also need to get enough sleep to prevent premature aging.Then, we need do some relax activities to reduce stress such as meditation to reduces irritability, anxiety and depression. Lastly, we must exercise regularly.

    In conclusion, a healthy body can ensure us to do better in life and always preventing us from being sick.


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