Topic 6 (Information Transfer)


Question 1
Read the following text
Then, answer questions (a) – (j)

There are various breeds of cats all over the world. We have called them our friends for about 8,000 years.

Cats are popular pets in Malaysia because of their independent nature. They are easy to care for and require minimal supervision for long periods of time as long as there is enough food and fresh water. They also offer companionship. Besides, in Malaysia we do not need a licence to keep a cat.

Having a cat as a pet can be very helpful. By keeping a cat, children can learn about responsibility.

Cats cannot tell time but they can stick to a schedule. They generally eat, sleep and play at around the same time daily. Thus, children can learn time management by observing their cats. Furthermore, by seeing to their needs, children develop a caring attitude.

Most cats spend hours grooming themselves. This passion for cleanliness is an example that good hygiene is a must for children.

It is important to choose the right cat. Each breed has different physical traits and personalities. Therefore, you should ensure that the cat you choose will fit in with your family, home and lifestyle.

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

Question 2
Read the following text
Then, answer questions (a) – (j)

In conjunction with the English Language Week, the English Language Society of SMK Warisan will organise a number of activities from 4th to 6th of November. It aims to promote the use of English Language among the students, thus improving their proficiency in the language. Some of the activities to be carried out include scrabble, language quizzes, crossword puzzles, poetry recitation and an essay writing competition.

All these activities will be held in the school auditorium at 3 p.m., during the three days. The essay writing competition will be for the lower secondary students only. Participants must produce original work not exceeding 150 words; All students can register for these activities using the registration forms available from the English teachers.

Winners will be rewarded with books and cash. The principal will give away the prizes during the school assembly. To make it a success, everyone is encouraged to participate in the activities

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.


  1. Answers (Exercise 1):

    a. 8000 years
    b. minimal supervision
    c. companionship
    d. licence
    e. stick to schedule
    f. time management
    g. develop caring attitude
    h. good hygiene
    i. physical traits
    j. personalities

    Answers (Exercise 2):

    a. English Language Society
    b. 4th to 6th November
    c. scrabble, language quizzes, crossword puzzles, poetry recitation, essay writing competition (choose one)
    d. scrabble, language quizzes, crossword puzzles, poetry recitation, essay writing competition (choose one)
    e. school auditorium
    f. produce original work
    g. not exceed 150 words
    h. books
    i. cash
    j. the principal


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