Topic 11 (Stories for children)


In about 80 words, write a reply to Meeta about the importance of stories for children.

Write your response in the 'comment' section. Submission will be counted as attendance.


  1. Hi Meeta,
    How are you? Good to hear an email from you. There's a lot of importance of stories to children that i know. First, stories can increase their confidence level because some stories based on our daily life. Second, it also good for languange and learning. It is because they can learn about some concepts and how tu use the sentences in a correct way. Lastly, stories also can give some relaxation in bedtime. They can forget about stress.

    That's all from me. I wish goodluck for you in the presentation and do your best.

    Let me know your score later. Bye!


    Nadiah farzanah 303

  2. Hi Meeta,
    How are you? I hope you are well. Based on my opinion, there's a lot of of importance of stories to children that we can achieve. Reading and storytelling with your child promotes brain development and imagination, teaches your child about language and emotions, and strengthens your relationship.
    You don’t always need to read books. Try looking at picture books, singing rhymes and songs, or telling stories from your culture.
    Babies and young children often enjoy books, songs and stories with good rhyme, rhythm and repetition.
    Anytime is a good time for a book or story! Try to share at least one book or story each day. Well, I need to go now. Bye!


    AzzimFauzi 303

  3. Hi Meeta.
    How are you ? I just got this email just now . Actually , there is a lot of importance stories to children . The first importance is can increase their confidence levels . Children who can read well are more likely to have higher confidence levels. This will benefit them in school as they’ll feel able to participate fully in activities. Another part of building confidence and self-esteem is knowing where you fit into the world. Stories can help with this process by showing children what people’s lives are like where they live and in other parts of the world.

    That's all from me.Goodluck during your presentation.

    I want to know your score after the presentation.Bye!


    Muhammad Hariz Hakim c:

  4. Muhammad Zarul Aiman

    Hi Meeta

    I heard that you have to make a presentation about importance of stories for children so here are some points that I can give to you.First,importance of stories to children is the clidren can improve listening skilsIt is because the children have to listen to the story and make a conclusion about that story.Second point is it can improve language of the children.It is because children will hear a new words and will use it in daily life.Lastly is it can boost confidence level for children.It is because children who can read well are likely to have higher confidence levels.That's all the point that I can give to you.Goodluck for your presentation.

  5. Hi meeta, how are you? I heard that you want some points importance of stories for children from me. This is my points about that.

    First, importance of stories for children was stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. The books they read and the characters they get to know can become like friends. It’s also good for children to understand that books are a useful source of information.

    Second, the importance was reading and with your child promotes brain development and imagination, teaches your child about language and emotions, and strengthens your relationship.

    Lastly, it can be helpful for relaxation, before bedtime for example. It can helpchildren to forget the stresses and strains of the day and indulge in fantasy for a while.

    That's all from me. bye

    nurul yasmin bt mohd fahri

  6. Hi Meeta,

    How are you? I hope you are fine. I have read your email to me. I think story is important for children is because the story have lesson that can be emulated by children. In addtion,the story can also provide additional knowledge to children because they can learn something that is not thought in the classroom such as politeness and how to comunicate with different type of people.That’s all I can help you. I hope you can score well.Bye!


  7. Hi Meeta,

    I just read your email. I can see that you are making a presentation on the importance of stories for children. Well, you are asking the right person for it. As you know, I love reading stories and watch some movies so I have a lot of points for you. Firstly, children will learn to value books and stories. Besides that, stories will also develop children's social and communication skills. Finally, stories will increase the thinking level of the children. That's all that I have in mind. Good luck on your presentation. See you soon.


    Mohamad Raiyan Bin Mohamed Firthous Khan

  8. Hi Meeta,
    Here i will share with you about the importance of stories for children. I know you have to score in your presentation so that you need more points about that right? Don't worry I got a lot of ideas!
    So one of them is we can teach children easily by telling stories that have a lot of moral value. Next, stories can make the relationship between parents and their child more closer when parents always sharing a story to them. Then, stories can expand the creativity of the children. This is because they got a lot of idea by imagining the things in the stories that they heard.
    Therefore, we need to tell stories for children because there are many benefits that children will get by the stories. So that i hope you can score your presentation by using my points Meeta. I'm glad to help you! Bye.

    Muhammad Muiz Nukman Bin Mohd Monzir 303

  9. Hi Meeta,

    How are you ? I hope you're in the pink of health.

    There are many importance of stories for children that I can shared with you. First, by reading and storytelling with your child, it can promotes brain development and imagination for them. Second, it can also teaches your child to know more about languange and emotions. Third, by doing this reading and storytelling, parents can also strengthen and tighten their bond with their children. Lastly, it can also help in boosting up our children confidence level so that they will be able to participate fully in school activities.

    I think that's all I can tell you for now. I hope that it's beneficial for you and others ! That's all from me. Bye.


    Syazlyana Ikhzabila binti SharulKamal

  10. Hai meeta

    Today I tell you about the advantages of telling stories to children. Firstly, it will speed up the communication process of the child. The child will learn about new words and be able to understand the story being told. We are encouraged to tell stories about stories that have high morals as well as stories inspired by famous and successful people. For example Isa Isarb. He is a successful youtuber in Malaysia. He also has 1.74 million subscribers on youtube. He creates a lot of interesting content such as donating to people in need and giving surprises to people in need by giving attractive gifts. Videos from him are always trending on youtube. This is an inspiring story that needs to be told to children. Thats all from me, Bye!

    M. Amir Hakimi 303

  11. Hi Meeta,

    How are you? It's been a long time since we last sent each other emails. There are a lot of importance for children. One of them is to improve the vocabulary and speaking skills. By reading a lot of books, children can improve their language and make their skills of communicating better and not just that, children can also write better. Next, stories can help children to ease their mind as they could release their tension by reading comedy books or books with the genre they like. Lastly, stories will increase the thinking level of the children.

    I hope this will help for your presentation. Goodluck!


    Nur Syaza Insyirah bt Umar Ludin

  12. Hi Meeta! I'm glad you choose the right title! Here are some points I found from the Internet. Stories help children to develop their brain, social and communication skills. Secondly, children will also know the differences between 'real' and 'make-believe'. Lastly, telling stories to children helps them to understand change, new or even frightening events in the future. In additional, reading stories for children would promotes bonding and tighten your relationship with them.
    I wish you a very good luck for your presentation. Let me know the scores okay? Bye!

    Yours sincerely,

    arianna sherney 303

  13. Hi Meeta,

    How are you? Thank you for the message that you gave me recently. I have read the message and i found that you want some points of for your presentation of importance of stories for children.

    One of my points for importance of stories for childrens are stories can help with developing a child's imagination telling new things into their mind. Examples of new things that we can tell them are about fantastical world, other planets and invented character. With this, it will encourage children to imagine anything they want. The power of stories is that they can be real or incredibly fantastic!

    I think that is all from me. Do the best in your presentation and i wish you goodluck!



  14. Hi Meeta,
    How are you,I hope you are in the pink of health.There are some points that I could give on The Importance of Stories for Children.Firstly,stories would eventually change the perspective of childrens to the world.A good story would make the children to have a better understanding of the world and shape the personality of a person in general.Secondly,stories would promote childrens to understand the culture of a society.This is because stories were often made with a blend of cultures in the country or an area.Hence,it would increase the self-confidence of childrens and avoid themselves from being missed among their friends.

    That's all from me.Thank you for reading!


    Muhammad Danial Irfan Bin Shamsul Kamal 303

  15. Hi Meeta,
    It is good to receive an email from you. Based on my observation , children nowadays must grow in academic learning so that they can survive in the future. The importance of stories to the children are they can add more knowledge on the new words. Beside , we can strengthens the memory of the children by asking them a few questions based on the stories you have read for them. Stories can make the childrens to be more creative on thoughts and action. Lastly stories can be read once a day even it is only a short story to attract interest in children.
    I hope you score perfectly on this presentation.Goodluck.

    Regards ,

    Nur Alwani Munirah Bt Mohd Sobri 303

  16. hi meeta,
    How are you? i hope you are in the pink of health.
    So for your presentation , there is a lot of importance of stories for children.
    firstly, stories can teach children about the world in a safe environment. The development of imagination also the importance of stories. it’s great!
    last but not least, i think stories also can help to explain our emotion. that’s all from me.I need to go because my mom already called me for help. GOODLUCK for your presentation meeta!

    Dont forget to share with me about your presentation score.Bye.


    (iffah aqilah)

  17. Hi Meeta,

    How are you? Hope you're having a great week. Reading a stories aloud to children offers even more benefit than they reading by themself. You know that children tend to pick up behaviours and habit by imitating adults, so reading stories aloud helps children to familiarise themselves with the spoken language.Other than that it can encourages children to ask questions about the stories. For example, they asking about the plot progresses. Lastly, telling a stories to a children creates a bond between the storyteller and children. I hope this can help you with your presentation. Tell me the score later. Bye!


  18. Hi Meeta,

    How are you? I hope you are fine. There’s a lot of importance of stories towards children. Stories can improve their knowledge on the new words. Beside, stories also can develop a creative and innovative imagination towards children. It’s good for children who are still under 7! Lastly, stories also taught many good values towards us to extract in our daily lives which good for kids who still in kindergarten. I think that’s all from me and I hope you got a high score! Bye!


    Nur Aliyah Amisha bt Mohd Noor Hazizi

  19. Thank you everyone for your responses. This thread is now close. Your comment will be counted as your attendance.


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